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CASE | Movie script revitalized

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Learn how creative #flow and #intuitive practice can benefit from a holistic and strategic lens to keep track of the original intention. Discover how we applied our Contextscanner© in combination with the Lego® SeriousPlay® methodology to enable a deeper insight into the essence of a Film-Directors script for a movie.

Why is the story in my belly? What do I most like about it?

Tunnel Vision

Sometimes we are so deeply and intensively involved with the details of our project that we tend to lose sight of the bigger picture.

Spending a repetitive amount of time on the same process or exercise certainly has its benefits: we practise, we learn and we get things done. If, on top of this, we are appropriately challenged with our task, we can switch to hyperfocus mode and experience the #creative #flow, where we forget about space and time and things appear to be getting completed almost miraculously. We embrace and encourage this #focus 100%, fully immersing in the moment. All senses engaged.

Getting out of the flow is like waking back to the other reality.

As all things come to an end eventually, also this experience is of 'limited' nature. Getting out of the flow is like waking back to another reality; A good moment for a break! Take a breather, and step aside to regain perspective. After a while, a ‘reality check’ to make sure that our process is still on track with the original intention can work wonders to regain momentum. An external objective perspective and a few targeted questions can be key therein.

A Novel's Purpose Revived


A Film-Director is in the process of polishing the script for his new movie in progress. Along the way he receives support by a proof reader who eventually asks him the following two questions: Why is the story in his belly? What does he like most about it? Having been deeply involved in the script writing process, he approached us to add some structure in finding the answers to these questions.


We performed a #QuickScan to spot relevant themes in the director's current context. This enabled a targeted approach to summarise the essence of the novel, challenging him to understand why the novel is relevant to him and potentially to others from a deeper and more personal perspective.

* Identify Director's values

* Clarify his Vision & Mission for the novel

* Project Values, Vision & Mission on the novel, including the protagonists in order to re-vive the essence and red-line of the script

We applied the Lego® SeriousPlay® method to visualise his answers which pulled together the essential building blocks of his movie script.


We paid close attention to the fact this story has partly emerged from personal background. Hence, the focus of the approach was primarily to understand the director’s personal values. These were then linked to his vision for the movie. While drawing parallels to the story’s purpose, incl. the plot, environment and its characters, we gained rich insights into the motivators behind. It also gave space to spot potential inconsistencies between the novel’s current set up and content vs. the original intention.

Strategic Reflection with Sparks

In context of the Values driven Journey towards integrity for impact, which we wrapped up in our Contextscanner©, we offer structured #strategic reflections for a variety of projects and initiatives.

For you, your team or your organisation.

A strategic reflection can help gain assurance on original purpose. This can act as a gatekeeper for consistency, quality and integrity.

Whether you are at the beginning, in the middle or almost at the final stage of the project or initiative, a strategic reflection can help to gain assurance on original purpose and can act as a gatekeeper for consistency, quality and integrity.

In case you are looking for an external, objective and structured perspective on your mission, we recommend checking out our free #QuickScan online to get a feeling for the themes we cover or to reach out to Helene to brainstorm about the many options.

Best Wishes,


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